I have recently been able to make my second trip to New York, the first time I was in so much shock and excitement to be there I don't think I realised how many differences there are between American and British culture. These are a few of the following which I picked up on on my short trip away.
1. POST BOXES - Not only are they called 'mail boxes' but they are also detached from any American houses, its only really flats or buildings where its a must to have them posted through a slot in the door.

2. HARDLY ANY TEA- In America they are must more focused on a coffee or a fruit smoothie over a cup of tea. An afternoon tea doesn't exist in America.

3. YOU CAN'T DRINK UNTIL YOU'RE 21! Yes that's right in America you can't legally drink until you're the age 21, in England you can drink from your 18th birthday which is a large 3 years difference.

4. GUNS GUNS GUNS -It is seen as a normal occurance for Americans to carry guns around with them, its written in the constitution of the country. Whereas in England you're not allowed to carry a gun around with you and are only allowed them on special licences. Most police offices aren't allowed to carry guns, any member of the public with a gun in hand would be arrested on the spot.

5. NO NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE- In America there is no national health service in place which means any trip to hospital costs a great deal of money and most Americans have health insurance which covers them for any accident irrelevant to how small it is. In England we are so lucky to have the NHS which entitles everyone to emergency help and doctors appointments. Children with all round free healthcare.