I was inspired to do this blog post recently due to a argument I watched on 'This Morning'. The debate was set between Vegan Lucy Watson an ex made in Chelsea star and a turkey farmer in Devon.

Below is the debate. The farmer this year had come up with an idea which meant customers coming to buy there turkeys for Christmas would be able to pick, feed and name there turkeys before having them slaughtered for Christmas Day.
I am personally a vegetarian so don't consume any meat due to my personal beliefs that I think its cruel. Even if this was not the case I think my opinions would still be the same for this situation. I think to name a animal, therefore giving it a personality and characteristics like you would a pet dog or even a child. Knowing its then going to be slaughtered for your own personal consumption is horrific.
The farmers argument was that he wanted his children to know where there meat comes from. I totally agree with teaching children so they understand they can't just get there meat from a shelf in the supermarket, so when they become adults they can make there own decision on what they eat with the correct understanding.
In past two years the percentage that have become vegan has gone from 1% to 6% which I know doesn't sound like a lot of people but when you look at it in proportion to the population the numbers are growing drastically. I think is down to more eductation around the meat industry more publicly outing the horrors which it entails.
The farmer did end the debate by saying the hate for his idea which vegans have created all over social media has only helped his promotion of his business and he has sold 1,000 more turkeys this year.
I dont have a problem with people eating meat if thats there personal choice but I don't think we should be turning it into a game and absusing our power by going as far as naming the animals before having them slaughtered. At the same time maybe more people will become vegan and vegetarian if they understand what actually happens to the animals.