We're human and everyone makes judgements and opinions arise as soon as you meet someone. That's just human nature. Its 2019 and if anyone was too make any comments about someones size and particularly being "too fat" its seen as a disgracefully rude and cruel comment to make. But people still seem to think its acceptable to make comments about people being "too skinny". How is that fair?

I don't see why personally any comments should be made on anyones weight, unless someone is seriously worried about someones weight for health reasons then I don't see why anything needs to be mentioned.
Obviously there is still a way it needs to be said and the topic would need to be approached with care. The words "you're so fat" or "you're so skinny" should never come out of anyones mouth.
I know that some people think the word "skinny" is a positive word, mainly just because the way the media presents models and being thin in such a positive light. But the definition of the word skinny is too be very thin or lean, synonyms are scrawny, gaunt and sticklike. But when used in everyday comments , even when meant in a positive way by friends or family it comes across offensive.
I have personally always been on the thinner side and never had problems with being over weight. My whole childhood and even up to the past few years I have experienced comments about my weight. I think sometimes people massively underestimate and don't know how offensive the word "skinny" can really be. I understand that for a long time women have been given toys such as barbies and role models such as the Victoria Secret angels; women who are all in the 1% of the population for there small size in weight. But still I think by now it should be knowingly recognised as being very offensive and rude.
Comments I have received without asking or even hinting at wanting opinions are the following "you're so skinny" "there's nothing too you" "you have no figure" "do you want some more food" "you don't eat anything" " I would hate to be that skinny" and so on.
The point I am trying to make in this blog post that any comments you make to anyone even if its not regarding there weight, anything such as appearance and intelligence, if the comment isn't going to change anything or help anyone don't say it. The effect that the comments make to peoples lives you will never understand and they will leave them. It is only doing it to make yourself feel better. You dont know whats going on in others lives and if it doesn't effect you. Stay out.
