Statistics published in the Samaritans suicide statistics report 2017 show there were "6,639 suicides in the UK and Republic of Ireland in 2015. The highest suicide rate during that year was for men aged 40 - 44, with a total of 4,997 males taking their lives in 2015. According to the Samaritans, men are 3 times more likely to take their own lives than women across the UK". This got me asking the questions why?
Why is it that three times the amount of men are committing suicide.

I personally think a lot of the pressures come society's backwards outlook on men having to "bring home the bacon" as such. Men are given a huge a amount of pressure to support there families and competitive in a highly competitive job market while dealing the the social pressures which say you should be earning a certain amount and driving a certain car. I think these pressures make men feel hugely depressed and that they're not forfilling there role.
Divorce and breakups are a huge impact on a mans life, it is thought that men rely on women for support in relationships than the other way round. Men normally don't get to live with there children in many situations making it a very lonely life which can attribute to depressing thoughts and a negative outlook on life.

'Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK - 84 take their own lives every week' A new campaign, Project 84, aims to raise awareness and sees sculptures placed on the top of a London tower block.

I think this is such a powerful image and that will effect so many people, its so clear to see and in the centre of a busy such as London this is a great idea of how to make an impact and hopefully cause people to look twice. Creating huge awareness for the charity.