I have been listening to a podcast series recently, reflecting on thoughts behind many marketing ideas and successful techniques and in essence what marketing is really about. This
This particular podcast is called Food tubs, Facebook and Fetishes. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b08pfqqd
Vaildation, we now look at social media for our inspiration and we have evolved in social groups. Social proofing is an aspect we all naturally take part in as part four nature.If were in a social situation we don't know what to do we will follow the group were in or the people around us, this is known as social proofing.
In 2012 the government made it legal to opted out of your workplace pension. After a year only a 10th of people opposed and opted out of the workplace pension. This baffled marketing teams and they worked out that and came to the conclusion that they felt everyone wants to have the same financial situation and people feel safer when were all in it together.
The podcast went on to talk about the most effective technique to get people to- reuse there towel when staying in a hotel was saying that 75% of guests reused there towel or 75% of people who have stayed in this room have reused there towel. This marketing convinces people that were all the same and its the psychology of following others.
They tested other sayings which weren't as popular such as, it helps reduces the financial over heads of the hotel or it helps save the environment.
This is a really interesting idea and the concept looking at the fact we stick together and copy each other when we ever feel confused or lost on how to act in social situations. There are many theories that prove this is true, many videos have been shared when people have tested this by standing in a lift facing away from the door and when more people gather in the lift there confused but copy the behaviour of the other people in the lift.