I am now going into the second term for the year at university, this blog post of a refection of what I have learnt so far and what I would have done differently!

It is such a change of life, moving away from home, meeting new people and for a lot of people living without there parents for the first time. I love where I live, its a modern accommodation which I share with 8 other people. My room is my own and I think an aspect which has really helped is personalising your own room and space to make it feel more homely.
Everything is suddenly fully all down to me, I have to clean my space and everything in it ( including all my washing). Its actually something I really enjoy doing, everything is down at your own pace. Everyone gets into there own routine of washing, cooking and cleaning which suits them, I feel I have got this sorted.

Coming to the realisation that life is EXPENSIVE, everything from washing my clothes, drying and buying food and uni resources. Suddenly having to budget myself is a massive life change but again not something I have massively struggled with.There are small hacks that you quickly learn to save money, like washing more colours together and shopping at the cheaper supermarkets.
On reflection of university work, I have learnt over the past few months that I really struggle to complete university work at home. This was a massive problem when I came home for Christmas for a month, its very difficult due to distractions such as family, friends and work which I had been parted from for the first time months before.

I am going to have to complete a majority of university work before I leave home for easter or at least return to university a week early to complete all the work. I am nervous about how quickly the pace of work is now going to increase.
University is such a different experience to what you think its going to be, its such a different type of life. No one can tell you what to expect from university and university life. Partying all the time is only fun part of the time thats for sure.