I created a digital magazine inspired by Asos for Spring/Summer 2018, I put together and designed looks with the theme of colour pop as an up and coming trend.These are a selection of my favourite photos from the shoots.
All the photos are my own. The link to the full digital editorial magazine is at the bottom of the page.
I created a costumer profile board for the asos consumer on which to base my photoshoot around. My costumer profile was based around a young professional working in London for a design company, she is 23 years old. Passionate about travelling and loves staying on top of the trends. She finds the convenience of shopping online easy and accessible to her lifestyle as she works full time and considerable over time.

The shoot was a forest based theme due to the costumer profile board having large interests in travel and the love for interiors. I combined the plant trend within my location shoot for a more green homely feel to the shoot. I also felt the contrast of the colour pop theme in a all natural envoirment would be powerful.
Click here to access the full digital magazine - https://joom.ag/wrAY