As we are now living in a growingly more stainable world, being environmentally friendly is a new trend and a now must for saving the world that we live. With the increase in education on matters such as global warming and plastic pollution, people are now starting to become increasing interested in seasonable products and a healthy less disruptive way of life.

Banana fabric is a new fabric which is cruelty free, vegan and it mimics silk. I when I say banana fabric it isn't bright yellow and doesn't resemble a banana in anyway really. It's the inner fibre from a banana plant inside the stalk.
When grown in hot country's no pesticides or fertilisers are needed in the growing process of the trees and therefore don't cause any envorimental damage in the growing process.
The process then includes spinning, dyeing and weaving, this is commonly done local communties of artisans.

I really like the idea of a fabric which is envorimentally friendly and doesn't have such a negative impact but to make this a more globally used product there would have to be an increase in trees and the methods in which the banana fabric is made would have to change to fit a more large production. This would obviously increase its environmental impact.
I personally think over the next few years fabrics such as banana fibres are going to increase and grow in popularity. They just first need to find away in to increase in its sourcing and it will be a massive hit with consumers.